Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Will Richardson chapter 1 and 2 gave me great insight into the world of blogging for both teachers and students.  The internet has always been a scary place for me when I think about allowing my students to participate in it.  However, keeping them safe is the key to opening myself and my class to new literacies.  Richardson mentioned ways to keep children safe while they interact through technology.  I couldnt agree with him more when he said teaching them how to be responsible and appropriate should happen first.  It is envitable with facebook that students will run into inappropriate comments and information, however, they need to know what do to in those situations. Once teachers have discussed safety then I think we can begin introducing our students to blogging, wiki sites, and twitter.  I like the ideas Richardson gave of ways students can use the blogging. Journal writing, reflections, and questions were just a few. These ideas are inspiring to me as a teacher.  I think my students would much rather log in and write with their peers, than write in thier notebooks.  We are always looking for new ways to keep kids interested in reading and writing.  The examples of teachers blogging with thier students has made me very excited to someday begin my own.  One in particular is Mr. C's blog.  I can appreciate the different ways he uses technology with his class. I loved watching video of his students reflecting on thier learning and commenting as thier learning takes place within the classroom.  Learning how to participate in a blog like Mr. C's would be great for me as an educator and for my students.


  1. I agree with you that using blogs in the classroom is a great way to keep students interested in reading and writing. I imagine that blogs can also promote discourse and deeper thinking if the students are taught how to respond back and forth with each other. I would love to try a blog with the book clubs that we are working on in Readers' Workshop.

  2. I also checked out Mr. C's blog. It makes me feel so behind in terms of technology and its potential in the classroom. His blog gave me great ideas as well on how I can possibly use blogging in the near future.

  3. Although blogging seems scary to me right now because I am new to it, I think it is a great way way to encourage communication and collaboration between students. I think it will also help them develop their typing skills! I agree that blogging would also be an effective way to teach students how to use the internet responsibly.
